

从事相变储能材料开发、光电薄膜材料及半导体量子点的高性能化、器件化的应用基础研究,关注这类材料在制备和后处理过程中的结构演变、结构与光电性能关系、以及器件优化等,在新材料制备及多层次表征方面具有丰富的经验。主持完成北京市自然科学基金面上项目、北京市组织部优秀人才项目、九州体育科技计划项目等,在研企业横向科研项目2项。发表SCI收录的学术论文50余篇,其中第一作者/通讯作者30余篇,被引用1400余次(Google Scholar),H–因子20。申请发明专利5件,已授权3件。发表国际会议论文5篇,在第四届中日等离子体论坛上做邀请报告1次。作为主要完成人获行业协会科研三等奖1项。参编专著1部、教材1部。目前担任ACS: Applied Materials & InterfaceACS Applied Nano MaterialsSurface and Coatings TechnologyApplied Surface ScienceThin Solid FilmsCeramics InternationalVacuum等期刊的论文审稿人。

I. 主要研究工作




II. 承担科研项目

1.     企业横向项目:相变材料及相变储能组件及设备开发,项目负责人,2022.122024.12

2.     企业横向项目:高性能相变材料开发,项目负责人,2023.82026.8

3.     企业横向项目:红外探测器薄膜制备技术开发,项目负责人,2015.112018.11

4.     北京市自然科学基金面上项目:脉冲高能量密度等离子体技术合成纳米晶PbSe薄膜(项目号:1112011),项目负责人,2011.1-2013.6

5.     北京市委组织部优秀人才项目:脉冲高能量密度等离子体合成纳米晶PbSe薄膜研究(项目号:2009D005005000002),项目负责人,2009.1–2010.12

III. 代表性学术论文

1.     Feng Wenran*, Zhang Xiaoke, Hong Anni, Lang Haoze, Li Yongqi, Yuan Shiwei, Jiang Lai. One-pot synthesis, sensitization and photoelectric performance of calcium doped PbSe thin films. J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Electron., 2024, 35: 736.

2.     Gao Yan, Dong Haitao, Zhang Xiaoke, Feng Wenran*. Effects of substrate bias voltage on structural and optical properties of co-sputtered (AlxGa1–x)2O3 films. J. Electron. Mater., 2023, 52: 7429–7437.

3.     高妍,董海涛,张小可,冯文然. (AlxGa1–x)2O3结构、电子和光学性质的第一性原理研究. 人工晶体学报,202352 (9): 1674–1719.

4.     Dong Haitao, Gao Yan, Zhang Xiaoke, Li Zhen, Feng Wenran*. In-situ oxygen sensitizing PbSnSe films for high-performance photoelectronic detection. Vacuum, 2023, 207: 111538.

5.     Li Zhen, Chen Yingying, Lang Haoze, Wan Jianghong, Gao Yan, Dong Haitao, Zhang Xiaoke, Feng Wenran*. Pb0.8Sn0.2Se thin films: synthesis, sensitization and properties evolution. c

6.     Feng Wenran*, Li Zhen, Chen Yingying, Chen Jinyang, Lang Haoze, Wan Jianghong, Gao Yan, Dong Haitao. Enhanced photoelectric properties of PbSnSe thin films via quick oxygen ion-implantation sensitization. J. Mater. Sci., 2022, 57 (3): 1881–1889.

7.      Feng Wenran*, Song Jiali, Ren Yashuang, Chen Fei, Hu Jifei, Yu Sensen, Zhao Hongchun, Tang Yiyun, Huang Song. Structural and optical evolution in Pb100–xAgxSe (x= 3, 6, 9 and 12) thin films by chemical bath deposition. J. Alloy. Compd., 2019, 770 (5): 649–654.

8.      Song Jiali, Feng Wenran*, Ren Yashuang, Zheng Danning, Dong Haitao, Zhu Ran, Yi Liya, Hu Jifei. Columnar Te-doped-PbSe thin films on glass for infrared photoelectric detection. Vacuum, 2018, 155 (9): 1–6.

9.      Feng Wenran*, Song Jiali, Ren Yashuang, Yi Liya, Hu Jifei, Zhu Ran, Dong Haitao. Structural, morphological, electrical and optical properties of PbSe thin films sputtered at various pressures. Physica E, 2018, 102 (8): 153–159.

10.   Feng Wenran*, Zhou Hai, Chen Fei. Impact of thickness on crystal structure and optical properties for thermally evaporated PbSe thin films. Vacuum, 2015, 114 (4): 82–85.

11.   Feng Wenran*, Wang Xiaoyang, Chen Fei, Liu Wan, Zhou Hai, Wang Shuo, Li Haoran. Influence of substrate temperature on structural, morphological and electrical properties of PbSe film deposited by radio frequency sputtering. Thin Solid Films, 2015, 578 (3): 25–30.

12.   Feng Wenran*, Wang Xiao yang, Zhou Hai, Chen Fei. Effects of sputtering power on properties of PbSe nanocrystalline thin films deposited by RF magnetron sputtering. Vacuum, 2014, 109 (11): 108–111.

13.   Feng Wenran*, Zhou Hai, Yang Si-ze. Nano-indentation and wear-resistance behaviors of TiCN films by pulsed plasma, Mater. Sci. Eng., A, 2010, 527 (18–19): 4767–4770.

14.   Feng Wenran*, Zhou Hai, Yang Si-ze. Gas pressure dependence of composition in Ta–Ti–N films prepared by pulsed high energy density plasma. Mater. Chem. Phys., 2010, 124 (11): 287–290.

15.   Feng Wenran*, Chen Guangliang, Li Li, LvGuohua, Zhang Xianhui, NiuErwu, Liu Chizi, Yang Si-ze. Characteristics of (Ti,Ta)N thin films prepared by using pulsed high energy density plasma. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 2007, 40 (6): 4228–4233.

16.   Feng Wenran*, Chen Guangliang, Zhang Yan, Gu Weichao, Zhang Guling, Niu Erwu, Liu Chizi, Yang Si-ze. Preparation of Ta(C)N films by pulsed high energy density plasma. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 2007, 40 (3): 2132–2137.

17.   Feng Wenran*, Liu Chizi, Chen Guangliang, Zhang Guling, Gu Weichao, Niu Erwu, Yang Si-Ze. Titanium carbonitride films on cemented carbide cutting tool prepared by pulsed high energy density plasma. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2007, 253 (11): 4923-4927.

18.   Feng Wenran*, Yan Dianran, He Jining, Zhang Guling, Chen Guangliang, Gu Weichao, Yang Size. Microhardness and toughness of the reactive plasma sprayed TiN coating. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2005, 243 (1–4): 204–213.

19.   Feng Wenran*, Yan Dianran, He Jining, Li Xiangzhi, Dong Yanchun. Reactive plasma sprayed TiN coating and its tribological properties. Wear, 2005, 258 (2): 806–811.

IV. 招生信息


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